Sunday, April 22, 2012

Love to look

I love to look. Sitting here in this coffee shop, I find myself gazing up at the quilts hung about the cafe. The fabrics, bright colors, dull colors, mismatched, and collaged, are so intriguing to me. Some look like leaves. They remind me of nature, of the sky, of clouds, and laying in the grass. They remind me of a warm summer day, skipping, and rejoicing, and looking at the son.. the sun.. (while plants need the sun, we need the Son - Merry rejoicing!)

When I start to sit, and think, and look... I am entranced by the beauty that surrounds me. I begin to take in the smells and sounds. The voices of those around me, the soft clinks of coffee mugs and spoons. The light beat from the music that floats in and out, depending on the current song. The lights. The design of the building. The structure surrounding me. The contrast between light and dark, soft and hard, rhythm and chaos. I see people I know, people I don't. I see curly, fragile, straight, tall, thin, short, young, bald, dark, light, old. I see gentle people, obvious people, quiet people, concentrated people. Happy and sad, bitter and glad.

I think of children, I think of dancing. And pony-tails. And small fingers. And summer dresses, with scraped knees. And good memories. And laughter. Lots and lots of laughter and smiles.

There is so much to take in.

And then, I think of the LORD, and all of the beauty that He has created. The ability that He's given me, simply to take in the beauty. And the knowledge to know that I just can't see it all. There is so much more to take in than I can possibly describe, yet there is so much more to take in than I could possibly comprehend. If I can see this much, and it's this lovely, then what can't I see? 

Why has God blessed us so abundantly? Given us senses, given us creativity, given us desires for beauty and good and understanding? I can't imagine anything more powerful, abundant, and unbelievable than the knowledge of the LORD.

When I remember God, I moan;
When I meditate, my spirit faints.

Psalm 77:3

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