Wednesday, January 27, 2010

mirror, mirror

You know what really stinks?

When people don't answer back your texts. I mean, it is the worst. devastation, at it's simplest.
Seriously, how self absorbed are we? I saw this because it actually crossed my mind that I should put something the effect of "not receiving text responses is the worst" as my facebook status.

I mean, number one, it's a text, dude. Number two, facebook? Why does modern technology have such an effect on my life? Gee, maybe it's just me, but it seems like a lot of people are similarly influenced by these modern conveniences.

I don't want to be so self absorbed anymore. Why can't I live out Galations 2:20 the way I should? I have been crucified with christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I don't think that I act like Christ very much.

And, what a fail, what with the whole texting thing. "oh me, oh my, Billy Bob* must be ignoring me!" I'm pretty sure I ignore Christ a lot more often than others ignore me. It's time I drop my petty complications at His feet, and truly take up my cross.

I'm tired of doing things for myself, and thinking of who I am, and what I am going to do, and starting every line of every one of my songs out with the word I.

Lord, I am weak and broken, and I take your beauty and distort it and twist it around everyday. Allow me to give up myself to the good of humankind. Let me fight for love, and live to die. For to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Let that verse become truth in my life. Reveal its significance both in my words and actions, Father. I love you.


*There is no actual Billy Bob. This name was given for the protection of those to whom this situation applies.

Monday, January 25, 2010

.short story.yrots trohs.

The other day, I asked God to humble me.
And again, He has answered in his beautiful way I'd like to call life.
I am terribly inadequate, and desperate for broken things, and reaching into darkness daily.
I don't want to be that person, though. I want to be innocently and truthfully in a pursuit of God at all times. I want to be so tangled up in Him and in His word that I forget about myself.

Don't expect anything in return for good deeds, because if you truly open your eyes, you will find that it has already been given to you. God is mighty, and He knows. He knows me better than I do myself.

I am so thankful for that.

With Christ's love and affection,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Big Jumps

I love God. I love Him so much.
Praise be to God. Why does He give me so much joy??
Like, today... I just got a mentor! I am so excited. And I got an answer from God over whether or not to audition for Guys and Dolls. I had really been struggling with this, and had been devoting a lot of prayer and thought to it. I am so hesitant to commit to musicals, because they really do take up so much time. I am so worried about losing contact with the Bible, and fellowship with other Christians. But God, so clearly, revealed to me that this is a beautiful opportunity to share my light, and hopefully my passion for Christ, with others who don't hear that message everyday, like I do. I am so excited to go out there and do the work that He has presented me with!

Christ. Singing. Dancing. Acting.

What could be better, man?

As the song (over there to the right! yeah, you see it!) says, take big jumps! He will use you to glorify Him. Have no doubt.


Monday, January 18, 2010

a sparkling diamond

This morning was the most beautiful morning I've had in a while. I am just so excited about how God can bless your life so greatly in such small ways. I woke up at 8:30, then after sitting there staring into space for a few minutes, I got up. I was awake for no reason, but I wasn't getting back to sleep, so I came downstairs, and I had this huge desire to dance, so.. I did that. haha After that, I spent some quality time with my Father. And, it was so simple, and so fulfilling.

Sure, I learned a lot of solid stuff while I was reading in James this morning, but I feel that it is more important to dwell on the intense joy that God blessed me with. The Holy Spirit is so moving, and God is gracious and compassionate, and abounding in love (Joel 2:13).

I just can't get over the Goodness of God. I can't help but see God as the Ultimate Provider in times like these. He gives generously, as long as you truly believe (James 1:6). Don't doubt, because He will come through. I want to be abounding in love, the way He is. I want to portray this in my life! It's such an uplifting feeling.

Oh, one last thing, pertaining to the above idea of belief instead of doubt: This morning my stomach hurt, and I began praying, requesting that God would sooth my pain, and then I just happened to scan across James 1:6, and I realized I never truly believed that He was going to heal my stomach, because I kept saying the word If. So, then I changed. I turned my "if"s into "when"s and began praising God for healing my stomach even though it still hurt.

and.. Right then is when my stomach stopped hurting.

Praise God! Don't reject His power.

In Godly Love,
Lauren Elizabeth